Crystal Clear - Gigi 炎明熹 I 劇集《新聞女王》片尾曲【字幕歌詞】

Crystal Clear - Gigi 炎明熹 I 劇集《新聞女王》片尾曲【字幕歌詞】English Lyrics I 2023年首支英文單曲。 - YouTube

#新聞女王 #CrystalClear #Gigi

《Crystal Clear》是由江暉填詞,呂喬恩作曲,江暉編曲,Gigi 炎明熹演唱的一首英文歌曲。 這首歌也是影集《新聞女王》片尾曲。 

《Crystal Clear》也是Gigi 炎明熹首次推出的個人英文單曲。 歌詞內容主要講述主角人在高處不勝寒,對身邊人甚至自己亦不甚了解;但只要肯用心聆聽心底的聲音,最終還是能認清自己以及真相。 

Gigi受訪時坦言,對《Crystal Clear》的反應感到期待,皆因是其首支英文單曲之餘,亦是首度為台慶劇獻唱歌曲:「希望我聽到首歌時不會覺得太尷尬啦。」

同時,Gigi為此片尾曲做足功課:「因為我本身英文不就是咁常用,所以我有逐個字去查字典,同埋寫低曬啲意思,等自己可以了解啲歌詞好 啲。發音方面,我事前都有練習,逐個字去練習點讀,練到覺得有效果先成句讀出嚟。」

談到錄音,她笑指過程尚算順利,只是其間因肚餓以致「唔 夠氣」:「我平時一係食完嘢抖一陣就錄音,一係就錄完音先食。嗰日我諗住錄完音先食嘢,但去到一半需要錄到powerful嗆部份時 ,我就真係旍辦法喇,不如食啲嘢先,結果我食咗肉餅飯,食完之後真係有番啲力氣,否則係餓到鬱不到。」

《Crystal Clear》
填詞: 江    暉
作曲: 呂喬恩
編曲: 江    暉

Feel the earth on the hill
I couldn't make it clear I'm so confused 
Face to face
It's still a stranger face
Can't recognize who's in the mirror blurred and faded

Feel the heart silently
Through which I can see myself It's crystal clear
I found a mirror somewhere in my heart 
Beautiful, it's beautiful, deep inside my heart

Try to brighten up your eyes 
Cos' the truth will never lie
Dust swiped away and make it clear in my mind 
It's hard yet still have gotta try
Cos' the truth will never die
For always All the way All the time
In the darkness, see the real you with your eyes 
Remember it’s you, that is you

Feel the heart silently
Through which I can see myself It's crystal clear
I found a mirror somewhere in my heart 
Beautiful, it's beautiful, deep inside my heart

Try to brighten up your eyes Cos' the truth will never lie
Dust swiped away and make it clear in my mind 
It's hard yet still have gotta try
Cos' the truth will never die
For always All the way All the time

Try to brighten up your eyes Cos' the truth will never lie
Dust swiped away and make it clear in my mind 
Deep inside there's a lullaby
Just we didn't realize
For always All the way All the time
In the darkness, see the real you with your eyes 
Remember it’s you, that is you
It’s you

#CrystalClear #新聞女王 #片尾曲 #Gigi 炎明熹 #透徹

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Feel the earth on the hill

I couldn’t make it clear. I’m so confused

Face to face, It’s still a stranger face

Can’t recognize who’s in the mirror, blurred and faded

Feel the heart silently

Through which I can see myself, It’s crystal clear

I found a mirror somewhere in my heart

Beautiful, it’s beautiful, deep inside my heart

Try to brighten up your eyes

Cos’ the truth will never lie

Dust swiped away and make it clear in my mind

It’s hard yet still have gotta try

Cos’ the truth will never die

For always, All the way, All the time

In the darkness, see the real you with your eyes



Crystal Clear (劇集《新聞女王》片尾曲) - YouTube


Provided to YouTube by TVB Music Group

Crystal Clear (劇集《新聞女王》片尾曲) · Gigi 炎明熹



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